
Selection Criteria and Accessment
To ensure the academic success of our recipients, we have implemented a comprehensive process that involves regular assessment, feedback, and personalized assistance. This process includes the following steps:

1. Initial Assessment:

We begin by conducting an initial assessment to understand the recipients' current academic levels, strengths, and areas that need improvement. This involves collecting relevant data, such as baseline grades, and any specific challenges they might be facing.

2. Regular Academic Tracking:

We implement a system for regular academic tracking, such as mid-term or end-term evaluations. This enables us to monitor grades, and class attendance, to identify trends and patterns in academic performance.

3. Feedback Mechanism:

We establish an open and transparent feedback mechanism where recipients can communicate their challenges, goals, and aspirations. We encourage regular feedback from parents and the recipients themselves to identify areas for improvement.

4. Tutoring and Support Programs:

We recommend additional tutoring sessions to recipients struggling with specific subjects or topics, and also conduct regular progress reviews to assess the effectiveness of the support provided. 

5. Continuous Improvement:

We regularly review and refine the support process based on outcomes and feedback. We stay informed about best practices in education and incorporate innovative approaches to enhance the support provided.